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The heads of the military departments, in a summing up meeting

CHISINAU, February 4, 2020 — The heads of the military departments of the higher education met today at the Ministry of Defense, during in a summing up meeting, to discuss the main achievements in the field of preparing the Armed Forces reserve.

The meeting was attended by the Minister of Defense Victor Gaiciuc, the commander of the National Army, brigadier general Igor Gorgan, Secretary of State Vladimir Iliev and Secretary-General Rostislav Rotari, military command officers and specialists in various fields in the Great Staff subdivisions.

The main topics addressed in the activity were the achievements of the military chairs for 2019 and the setting of tasks for the current year, the quality of the reserve training process, the endowment of the chairs with teaching materials and technical-material base, the composition and the training of the specialists who ensure the teaching process, as well as and legislative issues.

During the discussions, a number of shortcomings were identified in the chapter on providing equipment and spaces for conducting theoretical and practical lessons, planning and establishing the military disciplines and specialties required for the National Army.

Victor Gaiciuc, mentioned during the meeting, the need for regular meetings with the heads of military departments of universities, to find out from the first source how the process of preparing young students for different specialties, necessary to fill the reserve of the National Army. “Improving the level of training for military departments is a priority objective of the National Army leadership for the current year of training. That is why, I have ordered the most urgent evaluation of the real situation in the field, in order to identify the existing problems and to come up with viable solutions to optimize the activity of these structures”, said the Minister of Defense.

Minister Gaiciuc reiterated the importance of coordinating the curriculum within the departments with specialists from the General Staff, responsible for training, ensuring more efficient communication and cooperation with the military chairs at universities in the districts, extending the spectrum of specialties, including infantry, artillery and genius, as well the use for studies of the infrastructure and the material base within the Training Centers of Specialists from all over the country.

Currently, 12 military departments are active in the Republic of Moldova.

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