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Certificates of Appreciation and Diplomas for Armed Forces Reservists (video)

CHIŞINĂU, May 24, 2024 — Today, the exercise completion ceremony with the reservists of the Armed Forces took place.

Present at the event, the Chief of the General Staff of the National Army, Brigadier General Eduard Ohladciuc, thanked the reservists and instructors for their participation and active involvement in the training activities.

On this occasion, the reservists were presented with diplomas of honor and certificates of appreciation.

It should be noted that the training lasted five days and included theoretical and practical sessions at various training sites: combat firing, providing medical first aid, NBC training and others.

The next training with the Armed Forces reservists will start next week in accordance with the requirements of the Armed Forces Reserve Act, as well as the National Army Training Plan for the year 2024.

We remind you that for the organization of the exercises, the reservists are previously called to the Territorial Military Centers where they have the residence visa to clarify the military situation, as well as handing out the orders for participation.

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