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Bilateral cooperation in the military segment, discussed in Bucharest by the defense ministers of the Republic of Moldova and Romania

Bucharest, May 24, 2024 — Defense Minister Anatolie Nosatîi paid an official visit to Bucharest today, at the invitation of his Romanian counterpart Angel Tîlvăr.

In this context, the two officials had a bilateral meeting, during which they discussed the security situation in the Black Sea region and the ways in which Romania could support the Republic of Moldova in the context of increasing resilience to current challenges.

At the same time, the dialogue between the two ministers focused on bilateral cooperation in the field of defense and the prospects for strengthening the partnership. Thus, the progress recorded in recent years in the collaborative relations between the two armies and the increased number of joint activities and projects, aimed at achieving the objectives of strengthening the defense capabilities of the Republic of Moldova and increasing resilience to hybrid threats, were highlighted.

Minister Nosatîi thanked, in this sense, the Romanian side for the consistent and unconditional support in the expertise and improvement of policy documents in the field, the conduct of joint training activities, participation in international peacekeeping efforts, but also within the Moldovan Joint Military Commission Romanian, effective platform for discussions and analysis of the possibilities for the development of bilateral cooperation.

At the same time, Anatolie Nosatîi appreciated Romania’s political support for the European path of the Republic of Moldova, a vital strategic objective that will ensure the development of the country on several levels, but also a safer and more prosperous environment for citizens.

The official also highlighted the support, within international organizations and events, of efforts to strengthen our country’s defense capabilities through the European Union’s European Instrument for Peace and the increased assistance package within the Defense Capabilities Consolidation Initiative (Tailored Support Package — Enhanced DCBI).

For his part, Angel Tîlvăr reaffirmed his firm commitment to strengthening security and promoting stability in the region, as well as to the modernization and reform of the defense system of the Republic of Moldova.

In the margins of the official dialogue, ministers Anatolie Nosatîi and Angel Tîlvăr signed, at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense, the second Protocol to amend the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Government of Romania regarding cooperation in the military field, concluded on April 20, 2012, at Chisinau.

The updated document provides for mutual support in the field of training and joint participation in missions and operations under the auspices of international organizations, such as the European Union.

It should be noted that also today, in Bucharest, Minister Anatolie Nosatîi participated in the 8th edition of the Black Sea and Balkans Security Forum, where he spoke about the hybrid threats facing the Republic of Moldova in the context of the Russian Federation’s war in Ukraine and efforts to strengthen defense capabilities and increase national resilience.

Photo: mapn.ro

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