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The peacekeepers of the National Army have marked 25 years of activity

CHISINAU, May 10, 2024 — The staff of the 22nd “Blue Helmets” peacekeeping battalion celebrated today the 25th anniversary of the unit in a ceremony held in Military Camp 142.

Present at the event, the Minister of Defense Anatolie Nosatîi congratulated the soldiers and civilians of the 22nd Battalion, appreciating the impeccable way in which they represent their country — either in multinational missions or in foreign operations and exercises. “This day gives me a good opportunity to congratulate the entire team of the unit on this beautiful anniversary, but also to express my gratitude for your performance and activity, dear military and civilian employees. Behind the professionalism are years of training, a good training, both in the country and abroad, where the Moldovan peacekeepers demonstrate their skills, testing their interoperability with the militaries of other countries”, said the Minister of Defense.

On the occasion of the anniversary, but also for performance in the service, a group of officers, soldiers and sergeants of the unit received distinctions of the National Army and diplomas.

During the 25 years, peacekeepers have been present in the Mixed Peacekeeping Forces in the eastern districts of the Republic of Moldova

It should be noted that the peacekeepers from the 22nd Peacekeeping Battalion participated in missions under the auspices of the UN in Liberia, Ivory Coast, Sudan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Sudan, as military observers, as well as in the post-conflict restoration operation of Iraq, with six contingents. For 10 years, Moldovan peacekeepers have participated in the KFOR peacekeeping mission in Kosovo, and for two years the battalion’s staff has been present in the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon.

The 22nd “Blue Helmets” peacekeeping battalion was created on May 11, 1999.

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