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The National Army conducts the combined multinational exercise „Fire Shield/Rapid Trident - 2023”

CHISINAU, September 6, 2023 — The National Army will conduct, between September 10-22 this year, the combined multinational exercise “Fire Shield/Rapid Trident — 2023”.

The trainings, which will include infantry and artillery firings, are aimed at developing capabilities and raising the level of interoperability between the participating armies.

It should be noted that about 500 Moldovan, Romanian and American soldiers will participate in the exercise. In the same way, technical units, infantry weapons and artillery systems from the National Army will be involved.

“Fire Shield/Rapid Trident” is conducted according to the training plan of the National Army for the year 2023.

Attention citizens and media representatives!

In the following days, in the context of the exercise, there will be movements of the technical units of the National Army on the national roads, from the places of permanent deployment to the training centers in the north, center and south of the country.

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